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Pombajira - Pombajira
Asphyx - Deathhammer
Embalmed Souls - The Poison in my Soul Has No Cure
Necrophobic - Hrimthursum
Necrophobic- The Call: Satanic Blasphemies
Necrophobic - Mark of the Necrogram
Necrophobic - Dawn of the Damned
Necrobiotic - Death Metal Machine
Iced Earth - Alive in Athens
Vomepotro - Liturgy of Dissection
Vomitory - Revelation Nausea
Vulcano - Who are the True?
Vulcano - Live!
Open the Coffin - The world is a Casket
Serpentine Dominion - Serpentine Dominion
Ancient - The Halls of Eternity
Burzum - DetSom Engang Var
Atomic Roar - Never Human Again
Grave Digger - The Grave Digger
Desaster - Brazilian Blitzkrieg Blasphemies
Helstar – Nosferatu
Atheist - Jupiter
Asagraum - Dawn of Infinite Fire
AC/DC - Ballbreaker
Honoris - Serpentis Haereticum
Archgoat - The Light-Devouring Darkness
Preceptor - Dogmatismo
Mortiferum - Preserved in Torment
Celestial Season - Solar Lovers
Grim Reaper - Walking In The Shadows
Descerebration - Scrolls of Hate
Comando Nuclear - Batalhão Infernal
In Flames - Lunar Strain
Merciless - The Awakening
Mortiferum – Disgorged from psychotic depths
Dominus Praelii - Holding the Flag of War
Whiplash - Thrashback
Marduk - Viktoria
Marduk - Panzer Division Marduk
Soulreaper - Life Erazer
Warhammer - No Beast so Fierce...
Acheron - Lex Talionis/Satanic Victory
Iron Woods / Hecate - Forjado no Calor da Batalha com a Frieza da Alma
Overdose - Século XX
Overdose - ...Conscience
Cannibal Corpse- Red Before Black
Cannibal Corpse - Kill
Siege of Hate - Cerco de Ódio
Stress - Flor Atomica
Archgoat - Whore of Bethlehem
items 10205050